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What to look out for when selling or buying a boat in New Zealand?

What to look out for when selling or buying a boat in New Zealand?

Anyone looking to buy a boat is advised to take out insurance, otherwise they could be in for a nasty surprise. But even those who want to sell their used boat should take a good look at who they are getting involved with. There is known information about the criminal fraud of alleged boat buyers […]Read More

List of boat manufacturers, boat builders (Boat catalogue) in New Zealand

List of boat manufacturers, boat builders (Boat catalogue) in New Zealand

On our website, we have prepared for you a list of all leading boat manufacturers in alphabetical order from A to Z with a link to their website. If you know other boat manufacturers, please email us at and we will be happy to add them to our list. A AB INFLATABLES BOATS FOR […]Read More

Which fire extinguishers are best on a boat?

Which fire extinguishers are best on a boat?

Which extinguishing agents belong on the yacht? It’s a nightmare for every yacht owner: fire on board is one of the most dangerous accidents that can happen at sea, as fires on ships often spread quickly. Firefighting is more difficult than on land: there are no escape routes and there are often people on board. […]Read More

How to anchor the ship correctly?

How to anchor the ship correctly?

How do you anchor the ship correctly? Anchoring often looks simple, but if you want it to be secure, it takes time and a few simple steps. At the beginning of the season, a brief overview of the biggest mooring mistakes and the most essential rules.  “An anchor manoeuvre? He has to go fast. And […]Read More
