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Tag: boatsforsaleinnewzealand

Antifouling: Protecting Your Boat in New Zealand Waters

Antifouling: Protecting Your Boat in New Zealand Waters

As a proud boat owner in New Zealand, you know that maintaining your vessel is essential, especially given the diverse marine environments of these waters. One crucial aspect of boat maintenance is the application of antifouling. But what exactly is antifouling, and why is it important for boat owners in New Zealand? Let’s dive in […]Read More

How and Where Replacing Your Boat’s Engine Sacrificial Anode

How and Where Replacing Your Boat’s Engine Sacrificial Anode

Ensuring the longevity and optimal performance of your boat’s engine involves various maintenance tasks, among which the replacement of the sacrificial anode plays a crucial role. In this fresh perspective, we’ll delve into the when and how of swapping out this essential component for an effective and safe boating experience. Knowing When it’s Time for […]Read More
